Bill 132 – Prevent Sexual Violence & Harassment Training

Topics covered in our Bill 132 – Sexual Violence & Harassment Training include:

  • Responsibilities and Liabilities for Sexual Violence & Harassment
  • Definition of Sexual Harassment
  • Clear vs. Unclear Behaviour
  • Victims of Sexual Harassment
  • Types of Sexual Harassment
  • Poisoned Work Environment
  • How Sexual Harassment can turn to Violence
  • Definition of Violence
  • Poisoned Work Environment
  • Gender/Pregnancy
  • Behaviour Based on Stereotypes
  • Examples of Sexual Harassment or Inappropriate Gender-Related Comments or Conduct
  • Where to Draw the Line?
  • What to Do if you Believe you are Being Sexually Harassed?
  • #MeToo Movement
  • Bystander Intervention
  • Warning Signs

When you complete this training, you should be able to:


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SCORM Training File

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Sensitivity Training

Our One-on-One Sensitivity Training is offered Canada-wide to employees, supervisors, managers and executives. Our training is remedial in nature to help restore workplace relationships and establish boundaries to ensure respectful conduct. Training is offered virtually in real-time through access to our user-friendly online interactive platform, while following along with our instructor.

What is Ontario’s Bill 132?

The Ontario government passed Bill 132, the Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act, which amended, among other statutes, the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). It follows the changes to OHSA brought in by Bill 168, which set out how harassment is to be dealt with as a health and safety issue in the workplace. Bill 132 amends the OHSA to expand the meaning of workplace harassment to include workplace sexual harassment.

“Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome; or making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.”

The OHSA re-affirms that reasonable actions taken by an employer or supervisor to manage and direct workers or the workplace do not constitute workplace sexual harassment.

Section 32.06(2) of the OHSA, which addresses the employers requirement to implement a workplace harassment policy, has been broadened to incorporate an obligation to:

  • include measures and procedures for workers to report workplace sexual harassment to a person other than the employer or supervisor if the employer or supervisor is the alleged harasser;
  • set out how information obtained during an investigation, including identifying information about any individuals involved, will not be disclosed unless necessary for the purpose of investigating or taking corrective action or otherwise as required by law;
  • set out how a worker who has allegedly experienced workplace sexual harassment and the alleged harasser, if a worker of the employer, will be informed in writing of the results of the investigation and any action taken or to be taken as a result of the investigation.


In addition, Bill 132, Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, outlines new employer responsibilities to make sure that:

  • an investigation, appropriate in the circumstances, is conducted into incidents and complaints of workplace harassment;
  • a worker who alleges workplace harassment and the alleged harasser, if a worker of the employer, are informed in writing of the results of the investigation and any corrective action taken or to be taken as a result of the investigation.


Bill 132 explicitly states that the outcome of a workplace investigation and any report produced for the investigation is not a report that must, pursuant to OHSA Section 25(2), be supplied to a Joint Health & Safety Committee, a worker health and safety representative, or other workers.

Bill 132, Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, amends the OHSA to empower health and safety inspectors to require an employer to conduct an investigation, at the employer’s expense, by an unbiased party and to obtain, also at the employer’s cost, a report from that unbiased party.

Changes to the Limitations Act under Bill 132 mean that where any of the offending conduct has been engaged in – including where there is a claim for negligence, a breach of fiduciary or other duties and/or vicarious liability – there is no applicable limitation period applicable to a proceeding regardless of the expiry of any previously applicable limitation period or the fact that the proceeding commenced prior to the passing of Bill 132 except if the proceeding was: (1) dismissed by a court and no further appeal is available; or (2) settled by the parties and the settlement is legally binding. Bill 132 took effect on September 8, 2016.

HR Proactive Inc. also offers Workplace Sexual Harassment Investigation Services and One-on-One Remedial Sensitivity Training Sessions for all employees within your organization. Training can be customized for Employees, Supervisors, Managers, and Board of Directors. The best defense against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace is to have a Policy and Conduct Training, and take all complaints seriously. Visit for Canada’s number one choice for harassment and violence online training. Ask us about our New Bystander Intervention Training.

Call us today to book training or engage our services for an investigation.

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in SCORM file format to your HRIS/LMS.

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HR Proactive Inc.

For more information about our Prevent Sexual Harassment & Violence training products and services, give our subject matter specialists a call or email us.

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