Bill 132 MP4 Video

HR Proactive Inc. has been helping employers in Ontario and throughout Canada create and maintain respectful workplaces since 1997. At HR Proactive Inc., we provide training in the format that best suits your company’s needs. Does your company have a Learning Management System (LMS)? Our Bill 132 – Violence & Harassment Training video can be purchased in an MP4 file format for uploading to your Learning Management System.
This course has been written by subject-matter specialists for employees to participate in training that will help them better recognize, respond to, and protect themselves against all types of workplace violence and harassment. Content also includes #MeToo update!
With our Sexual Violence & Harassment video MP4 file,
you also receive:
- Substantial Leader Guide (Word Format)
- Reproducible Participant Guide (Word Format)
- Professional PowerPoint Presentation
- Well-crafted Workplace Harassment Policies (Word format)
- Quiz and Quiz Key
- Reproducible Certificate of Completion
- Scheduling Sheet to Track Learner Progress
HR Proactive Inc. offers several options to train employees, quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

HR Pro Hosted LMS
HR Pro Hosted LMS

SCORM Training File
SCORM Training File

Streaming Service
Streaming Service

Virtual Training
Virtual Training
HR Proactive Inc. is here to assist you with your company's training needs.
Contact us today. We can help.